Why Better Biking?
Well, because you've found this page you are clearly interested in improving and developing your motorcycle riding or observing skills, or you know someone who is.
Based in West Berkshire, within easy reach of the great motorcycling roads of the Thames Valley, Sussex, Gloucestershire, Hampshire, Wiltshire and Dorset, Better Biking allows people to ride or observe better, safer and smoother than before.
Offers training courses in:
Advanced (post-test) and Advanced Plus (post-IAM RoadSmart/RoSPA test, e.g. for those preparing for the IAM RoadSmart Masters test) riding skills; and
Observing skills for those who wish to gain accreditation or just share their skills
So, here's some reasons clients choose Better Biking for that experience:
Ex-police motorcyclist as your coach, but more than that ...
A coach who is trained to teach and coach using the most up-to-date recognised methods in skill development;
A coach who is experienced and familiar with the requirements of the main road safety bodies' rider and observer tests requirements;
A coach who will match each session's delivery to your level of riding, but still be willing and able to stretch you further, while making the whole experience fun and enjoyable;
A coach who is professional, who having achieved their qualifications, clocked up many road miles while riding and training, and is not just passing on learned skills.
But don't take our word for it, read some of the feedback, then contact us to arrange your training.