Ascot TT Story - The Making Of A Very Special Motorcycle

Part 7

The story is that my Ascot  build at Jack Lilley's is virtually complete.  I build this website and then visit England and see the Ascot for real for the first time and take some time to ride out on a Triumph Sprint ST. 

Enthusiasm and Trust

Steve reveals what motivates him! Guess I qualify as an "enthusiast"....

A-Wed 14-03-2001 1:02

BTW, I do get enthused once on a new project be it bikes, website or reading, so don't feel you have to rush to answer every one of my e-mails right away. I'm one of life's strange fellows who doesn't need or has got out of the habit of more than 6 hours sleep, you have a business to run ....

S-Wed 14-03-2001 1:44

Don't worry about the answer times from me on questions, I spend most of the day in the office working, and manage to keep more or less up to speed. The day usual starts with 50+ messages to look at, most are straight deletes, how I love that button, the cleanest on the keyboard. I don't find the selling aspect that enjoyable on the showroom floor these days, the customer profile has changed so much from when I started. The change from enthusiast to "consumer" I think has altered my views on that. This is probably why I enjoy the specials side and sourcing parts more.

.... and makes a very nice comment on the mutual "trust" involved when putting a bike together for someone on the other side of the world!

A-Fri 30-03-2001 1:17

I've got some questions (Oh! No - hasn't he always, sorry...)

S-Fri 30-03-2001 21:24

No problem, I appreciate the trust you have put in us building the bike for you, after all you are the other side of the world, we have yet to meet other than e-mail. Its a bit surreal in some aspects.

A-Fri 30-03-2001 23:01

Maybe, but two reasons for trust come to mind:

(1) I've owned a T-bird since 95, so the basic bike is one I trust and know is basically reliable.

(2) Your service in supplying parts and advice has always been good and moreover, straight-forward. I'm happy to go along with any dealer who will tell me I don't need something, when an unethical one would just say, "Sod it, sell it to him regardless!"

I hope the bike is as much fun to ride as it as been watching it come together.

Ascot Story Website

A-Sun 08-04-2001 23:45

Been busy with FrontPage this weekend. Check out:

Yes, our story now goes to 7 pages including pictures. 

If there are any other changes you would prefer to make, let me know. The pages are not yet linked to anywhere, but it will only be a matter of time before the search engine spiders find them.

Steve kindly wrote regarding these pages:

S-Mon 09-04-2001 18:55

Busy does not seem to do the work you have done justice.

I really enjoyed a good read and would not wish to change anything.

I have even printed off the web site to show to the gang here.

I posted to the lists about the Ascot Story ....

A-Mon 09/04/2001 02:03

I'll let you lot get first look at these pages on the building of my Ascot. Just spent the weekend on them! Thought it was a story worth telling ....

.... and got some good responses:

(1) "Thanks a million for the great Ascot story.  You are being a bit of a guinea pig for me, as Steve at JL is going to supply me with a set of flat slides once he has had a chance to test them on your beautiful new machine.  I'm in Canada, so its good to know that Steve and Co. are good for out-of-country deliveries. Like you, I have found Steve to be nothing but straightforward and enthusiastic in our email correspondence. 

"You have an incredible machine there.  I can't wait for your riding impressions."

(2) "Thanks so much for the story. I enjoyed it very much. Just finished doing my taxes and reading your site was a great way to unwind.

"Keep us updated - any news on the delivery date?"

(3) "Alec, you the man! Just read your Ascot story and thoroughly enjoyed it. I appreciate all the links to the various suppliers, you've given me some ideas for my own 95 T-Bird.

"Your bike looks great and I am looking forward to the next instalment in the series. Best of luck to you!"

(4) "I just read a bunch of you Ascot story -- can't wait for the finish (i.e.,  post key delivery, post dyno calibrations). Your site is brilliant. LOVE the running dialog, all the quoted emails, pictures, editorial interjections.... A web-based narrative style that really works.

"Your bike is awe-inspiring. Enjoy."

Another update.

A-Tue 22-05-2001 2:21

You might like to check out the latest of the Ascot Story. I think I've summarised it fairly, talking about the balance between the wish to see the bike shipped, but wanting it to be satisfactorily complete (as far as we can) before shipping. Any comments?

S-Wed 23-05-2001 1:06

Yup, had a look and printed it all off for the folder I keep. It is good stuff.

Good news for the website. The Birmingham Testers Run has added it to their British Classic Motorcycle Web Ring. I received the following comment from the founder Jon Price:

"Fantastic motorcycle and website."

A-Wed 30-05-2001 16:02

I'm getting several e-mails a week now on the Ascot and the Birmingham Testers Web Ring has linked my site in with the classic sites ring. Hope the interest comes back to you in the form of sales!

Trip to England

A-Fri 13-04-2001 6:37

We arrive on 18th. I'm planning to come up to your place on Monday 23rd to meet you and the staff and have a look at the Ascot and collect the demo - Sprint ST, did you say??

S-Sat 14-04-2001 23:25

Have a good trip over and we look forward to seeing you on the 23rd. I hope that it will be the ST, we have it up for sale now but keep selling new ones around it! We have been working on the list of bits and will go through it all with you when you are here.

PS From what Hamish has told me it looks as if they will be getting the Triumph Importership.

A-Sun 15-04-2001 8:43

Looking forward to seeing you all on 23rd. My Dad is going to drive me up from Maidstone. It's his 70th birthday on 23rd (help!) On second thoughts, I'll drive and he can drive his car home.

Actually, it's an easy drive from Kent up to Jack Lilley's at Shepperton -

Dad was a bit of a biker in his day, but gave up to buy a Morris Minor when I was less than 2 years' old. His last bike was a Panther 250cc.

Whichever bike .... I only mentioned a Sprint because it is faired and I'm not used to cooler weather. However, I'll be dressed for it, so if the Sprint is n/a wouldn't mind trying a Speed Triple.

Hope you get some good sales this weekend.

And, on that thought, if Hamish is going to get the Triumph dealership, the sooner he gets a showroom downtown the better.

A-Tue 17-04-2001 15:23

PS Just heard the weather in the UK is wet and cold with daytime high of 7 degrees C. Ai Ya! (as the Chinese would say) it's a balmy 23 C in Hong Kong.

I was mentioning the weather here because I was just off to England. While there I got to Jack Lilley's to see the Ascot for the first time on April 23rd.

Tue 17-04-2001 20:00

Bags are already checked in. Leave for the plane in an hour or so.

Visit to Jack Lilley's to see Ascot TT

England was cold and wet. It was Dad's 70th birthday. We drove up to Jack Lilley's from Kent. It was good to meet all the staff, particularly Steve, Brian (parts) and Joe (who was building the Ascot).

The Ascot looks just as good in reality as it does in the pictures. Steve started up their Ascot and the sound from the 3 into 3 exhausts is one glorious rumble, really quite special. Here are a couple of pictures from the workshop:

Note the OE clocks have been taken off to send to the manufacturer of the "Ascot" clocks.

Steve was kind enough to loan me a Sprint ST for a few days.

I rode up to the Cotswolds and did a couple of days brushing up on my advanced riding skills with Ride Drive Ltd. Tremendous fun riding out with Graham Owen a police Class 1 rider and excellent instructor. Recommended for anyone who wants to improve their riding.

Ride Drive Ltd.

The weather remained damp and relatively cold. I was glad of the gear I'd bought from Mars Leathers in Australia - the Dririder Extreme jacket and trousers.

Mars Leathers

Since I wasn't used to the weather, I bought a full face Nolan N100 helmet to deflect some of the buffeting from the fairing. 


The "Triumph" transfers on the helmet are from Classic Transfers. I've also used one on the National flyscreen.

Classic Transfers

A-Wed 02-05-2001 9:07

Can you get Joe to clean off all the manufacturer's coloured wax pencil / paint marks on the bolts etc. before shipping.

Are there any other outstanding jobs you want to resolve before being totally happy the Ascot is ready to ship?

S-Wed 02-05-2001 16:47

Will do.

I think we are probably about there then.

A-Thu 03-05-2001 18:09

PS My turn to send you a picture for a change. Dad's hand is a bit shaky, but it's the only one we have!

Fuses (not the bike!)

I think to put these messages in context, one needs to appreciate that Steve has just gone through an extremely busy period including a holiday weekend. He is keen to see the Ascot shipped to me in Hong Kong. I'm also keen, but want it to be as "complete" as possible when it arrives.

S-Wed 09-05-2001 0:19

Thanks for the pictures of the Sprint, I hardly recognised it as it got filthy recently, with our lovely weather. Can't complain today it is really nice I've been told. Been stuck here since 7.30 this morning over 150 mails to go through and still have a backlog.

S-Thu 10-05-2001 1:52

Bear with me please, it is getting late, well approaching 7pm and I've been in since 7.30 this morning, it was nigh on 13 hours yesterday and I'm pooped. I will go through your message tomorrow and do a full reply. We have had a rough day today with various things going pear shaped.

A-Thu 10-05-2001 8:58

I know what day's like that are like! Take your time.

S-Fri 11-05-2001 0:57

Almost the end of a perfectly rotten day, it has not been a nice one at all. I'm meant to be somewhere else at the moment and there is no way I will get there. Amazing how having a couple of people missing fouls things up so much.

Found this comment in the Triumph Magpie Digest. Then wrote to Steve:

A-Fri 18-05-2001 16:51

Just had to send you this in case you missed it in the digest! Was in reply to a request from someone looking for a Triumph dealer.

"Steve Lilley will bust a gut for you and is a real workaholic, but his shop sometimes gets over-busy and I can see him blowing a fuse one day!"

I'm pretty busy at the moment. Haven't even had time to update the Ascot site with stuff on the airbox / K&Ns etc. BTW, any news?

S-Fri 18-05-2001 22:47

Yes I saw that bit.

About right today, it has been an utter nightmare. Why do I bother type of thing, and frankly at this moment I wonder.

I am way behind today having been busy doing 1001 other jobs.

A-Wed 23-05-2001 8:44

Take care, and I really appreciate the time you give to me in these replies.

S-Thu 24-05-2001 23:44

No problem, I'm just annoyed that we are slow in getting this sorted out correctly.

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