Ascot TT Story - The Making Of A Very Special Motorcycle

Part 10

The story is that my Ascot  build at Jack Lilley's is complete and ready for shipping to Hong Kong. We were awaiting the delivery of some white-faced "Ascot" clocks, but due to uncertain delivery time, the bike will be shipped with the OE ones. I decide on the right place to receive the bike into Hong Kong. Having found a shipper, Steve packs the Ascot in a case, with all the bits and pieces. He sends me some final pictures from England. The bike is shipped from Southampton on the Hyundai Duke to arrive in Hong Kong on 4 July.

Sea Island to Receive Ascot in HK

A-Sun 08-04-2001 0:47

Sorry to mess you around with this, but ....

Having been in Hong Kong so long, 13 years, I've become attuned into the need to be sensitive to when personal relationships with Chinese should take precedence over what might seem like a logical course of action. Logic would seem to say that having discovered the pristine set-up that Neon Action have, that would be the ideal place to have a new bike set up.

However, I went down to see Mr Wong at Sea Island this afternoon. I'd never asked him directly about receiving my bike because his place is always cramped for space with containers coming in and all his Honda parts stock. Of course, he knew about the Ascot. Anyway, this afternoon he volunteered to receive it! Even said he would specially make room for it. He does have one advantage over Neon Action and that is he has a set of Trade Plates, so he can take it for testing and licensing, w/o using a truck = less chance of it being damaged.

So, now I've put the value of a 11 year old relationship first. This means that the bike will come into by door-to-door delivery to:

Sea Island Cycle Co.
Ground Floor
28 Kennedy Town Praya
Kennedy Town
Hong Kong

Sea Island Cycle Co.

Arranging Shipping

A-Sun 25-03-2001 20:35

The likely shipping date .... Any guesses yet?

S-Mon 26-03-2001 18:26

Really a question of getting it finished now and making sure it all works.

S-Fri 11-05-2001 0:57

As soon as the original clocks come back I will get the shipping sorted for you. Our local company has closed down, but I have found another who specialise in bike shipments.

A-Tue 22-05-2001 2:21

Have the OE clocks come back yet? When you get round to arranging the shipping (door-to-door), I'll need the bill of lading in advance of its arrival to arrange Customs clearance.

S-Wed 23-05-2001 1:06

The OE clocks arrived this morning and I fitted them on. I have the bike here now. (By which Steve means in the showroom, rather than up at the workshop.)

I chased the shipping company this afternoon and am waiting to hear back.

A-Wed 23-05-2001 8:44


Can you tell me who the shipping company is? Do they have e-mail / website? I don't want to get involved with that, but it would provide a link for the "Story".

S-Thu 24-05-2001 23:44

The company I wanted to use have packed in and I have found another one who are used to shipping classic bikes. This is good news since they understand. I spoke this afternoon with them and gave them the address Sea Island Cycle, right(?), they are getting a door to door quote including insurance value of 14k. The parts we will send with the bike as well.

The shippers reckon that the bike will be there late June, so long as we can crate up early next week.

A-Sat 26-05-2001 10:32

Do they have e-mail / website? I don't want to get involved with that, but it would provide a link for the "Story".

Yes, to Sea Island. How will the shipping / insurance cost compare to your original quote of GBP380 or are you sticking with that?

S-Sat 26-05-2001 16:41

The shipper's e-mail is

The quote came through this morning and is as follows:


1 Motorcycle (crated)

Collection from Ashford, Middx. Deliver Kennedy Town Hong Kong.

Collection & Ocean Freight 250.00

Disinfect wheels 45.00 (Due to foot & mouth disease)

Customs & Delivery (Hong Kong) 245.00

Total cost 540.00

The above does not include insurance or any duties or taxes in Hong Kong.

I then wrote to Simon at Frontier Forwarding:

Frontier Forwarding Co.

A-Sat 26-05-2001 17:40

Just got your quote to Steve Lilley for the shipping of my motorcycle to HK. As I said to Steve, I'll not get involved directly with things UK end, but I'd thought I would touch base with you so that you can keep me posted for when the bike arrives in HK.

Any ideas on shipping dates yet? I'm in the Philippines without e-mail contact from 6-20th June, so the bike will have to arrive after 20th June.

Doesn't it annoy you that the cost of moving the bike less than 10 miles in HK is the same as shipping it round the world! I've experienced that before with a case of personal effects. The shipping companies here have us almost to ransom. Even if I just have it shipped to port only and arrange a local van to collect it, they seem to want an exorbitant "release" fee. Any advice or suggestion?

FF-Sat 26-05-2001 21:25

I am still awaiting Jack Lilley to complete packing of the bike. On completion we will collect but we will not give your bike to the shipping line until 2nd week of June so it doesn't arrive until after the 20th of June. (I believe the storage charges are quite high in HK)

As you are aware the costs of local handling, customs clearance and delivery in HK are high but that is the same the world over. You could try to customs clear the bike yourself in HK to save cost but you would still have to pay the shipping line a fee for the local handling.

The shipping costs are quite reasonable due to the vessels arriving in the UK are full but they go back to HK half empty.

A-Sat 26-05-2001 21:54

Thanks for the prompt response. Shipping time to HK is still about 17-18 days, right? So perhaps no need to wait until the second week of June before shipping. If it arrives on 21st or any day after, that will be OK.

S-Tue 29-05-2001 21:48

How did you feel about the quote for shipping? It is the exact price that they quoted us, and we will have to do the crating.

A-Tue 29-05-2001 22:26

I thought the GBP250 quote to HK was very reasonable. The GBP45 for disinfecting the wheels is bit of a joke! Wonder who thought that one up? Not many cows in your workshop or shop! Whatever. The GBP245 for delivery from the port to home in HK is a rip-off, but not on the part of Freight Forwarding; it's the sharks at this end who seem to have a cartel going over release and delivery locally. It wouldn't cost any less if I was to make the arrangements here. It could even be worse, if someone decided to hold the bike until their "fees" were paid. I'll go with the quote. I realise that you are doing the packing and that is why the GB to HK only cost is lower than the GBP380 you originally quoted. Trust you are OK with that and have the experience to make the bike secure and comfortable. It's a very special animal that needs looking after you know, otherwise how much extra would FF want for their packing expertise (if any, and is it more or less than yours anyway!).

S-Wed 30-05-2001 1:13

I'll get Robin on the "case" this week for you. I must admit the disinfecting the wheels made me smart a bit, still rules is rules I suppose. I wonder if the same applies for anything from Hong Kong regarding the fowl problem there.

A-Wed 30-05-2001 16:02

I remember you said you were looking for the MT60 Corsa tyres for the Ascot. If you find some before Robin finishes closing the case, can you put a spare pair in for me? If not, never mind, maybe later. But, it would be good for emergencies. Talking of which, please do put in a spare pair of tubes (Metzler with the 90 degree valve, if you have them.)

I mentioned when you were very busy, (when aren't you?) that a photo of the Ascot in your shop, one of it getting packed in the case and one of the outside of your shop would be nice for posterity. Would really appreciate them if you can.

Packing for Shipping

I'd written to Steve:

A-Wed 30-05-2001 16:02

I mentioned when you were very busy, (when aren't you?) that a photo of the Ascot in your shop, one of it getting packed in the case and one of the outside of your shop would be nice for posterity. Would really appreciate them if you can.

Characteristically, he more than obliged.

S-Tue 05-06-2001 1:37

Think I got them all for you!

Will check with the shippers in the morning.

In Jack Lilley's showroom - star attraction!

Outside Jack Lilley's shop

Building a case around the Ascot and including all the bits and pieces.

A-Tue 05-06-2001 10:01

Thanks very much. You've more than obliged, as always. Great pictures. I've already put them in the website. The picture in the showroom is great. Love the all black look with the OE clocks back on and the adjustable levers. Be keen to see a picture of yours now and way up the looks of the black wheels. Is it my imagination, or does the bike look higher at the rear with the Ohlins. If yes, it's gives it real character: on/off road growl-like menace! One of my work colleagues saw the website the other day and commented that my new bike was all right for a "grand father's pootler". I told him he'd been deceived and to check the specs!

Did I see two spare tyres or just one - hard to tell from the pictures, and remembering what you said about short supply?

Can you or the shipper send me by mail:

1. Copy of the bill of lading

2. An invoice for the shipping charge as Customs include that on top of the bike invoice

S-Wed 06-06-2001 0:33

There is only one tyre onboard, they are impossible to find at present. I'll send you the other when it arrives.

They are collecting the bike tomorrow. I'll see if I can get someone to take a picture of it going.

We will try to sort out the invoice later this week.

S-Wed 13-06-2001 0:51

The last picture!

Shipping to Hong Kong

Frontier arranged the shipping through Union Star Line. The Ascot was loaded into an APL container at Southampton, UK on 14 June 2001 on board the Hyundai Duke for a 20-day sailing to Hong Kong where it will arrive on 4 July 2001. 

A-Sat 23/06/2001 11:37

Please send the shipping invoice so that it arrives before the 4 July.

Frontier are a bit slow answering their e-mails so I phoned them: The bike is on board a ship called the Hyundai Duke which left Southampton on 14 June and will arrive HK on 4 July. I've updated the Ascot Story website with some pictures.

S-Mon 25/06/2001 19:52

I spoke to Simon a few moments ago, he was waiting for the original bill of lading to send to us and you.

Union Star Line

Through the APL website I was able to trace the ship's progress.


Hyundai Merchant Marine

Route to Hong Kong

Hyundai container ship in Hong Kong harbour

Passing under the Tsing Ma bridge, Hong Kong

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